中国弹簧标准化技术委员会介绍 introduction of NSSTA
1、成立时间: 1999年5月由国家批准成立;
2、人员组成: 由来自企业、高校和科研单位的56名代表组成。分别代表了机械、汽车、冶金、电子、纺织、能源、交通、航空航天、轻工和兵器10个行业。
3、机构职责: 负责弹簧行业标准化技术工作;
4、机构代号: SAC\TC235;
5、标委会常设机构: 秘书处
6、联系方式: 地址:北京市海淀区首体南路2号 邮编:100044 电话:+86(0)10-88301013 传真:+86(0)10-68366657 联系人:现任秘书长 姜膺

1. Establishment: It is established in May, 1999 after the approval of the country.
2. Staff: It consists of 56 representatives from the enterprises, universities and scientific research units, involving 10 industries of machinery, automobile, metallurgy, electronics, textile, energy, traffic, aviation, light Industry and weapon.
3. Task: It is responsible for the standard technology of spring Industry;
4. Code name: SAC\TC235;
5. Permanent organization Secretariat
6. Contact: Address: SHOUTI NANLU 2, HAIDIAN district, BEIJING Post Code:100044 TEL: +86(0)10-88301013 FAX:+86(0)10-68366657 Contact: current secretary-general JIANG YING